Are you the author of <insert program name here>?
I have a great idea that I think you should include, will you?
Do you have any more features planned?
What operating systems can ZSoft Uninstaller be used on?
Can I help in any way?
How do I translate ZSoft Uninstaller to my own language?
In ZSoft Uninstaller, what does the three asterisks (***) after a program mean?
In ZSoft Uninstaller, what does the red x or red cross to the left of a program name mean?
I have a question that are not answered here, what do I do?
Are you the author of <insert program name here>?
Simple answer: Not unless it is downloadable from this page.
I'm not the author of "Zsoft Photofinish", "Zsoft Paintbrush", "Z-soft File Probe" etc.
I have a great idea that I think you should include, will you?
Yes, mail it to me and I'll see what I can do :)
Do you have any more features planned?
I have a lot of things on my todo-list. If you have an idea please mail it to me!
What operating systems can ZSoft Uninstaller be used on?
I have only tested it on Windows XP, but I have had reports on it working in Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows 2000 and Windows Vista as well.
If you try it out in another version of Windows I would like to hear your experience (you can use the contact link on the right, thanks!)
Can I help in any way?
Yes! You can for instance help by translating to your language, reporting bugs, coming up with ideas for new features, writing a new (better) help file or donating (link on right)...
Your support is greatly appreciated!
How do I translate ZSoft Uninstaller to my own language?
First of all, thank you for your support!
It is very easy to translate ZSoft Uninstaller to another language.
First you install the software, and then you go to the installation directory.
In here you'll find a folder called 'lang'. Inside this folder are all the available language files.
Now you can start translating by copy/pasting the English language file ('English.lng') and renaming the new file to 'Youlanguage.lng' (e.g. 'Swedish.lng' - and yes, we need a swedish translation ;)).
Now all that's left to do is the actual translation - open the file in Notepad (or another plain text editor) and start translating :o)
When your done please mail it to me at 'w e b m a s t e r [ a t ] z s o f t [ d o t ] d k' (delete spaces and replace [at] and [dot] with @ and .) so I can include your work in a future release.
Thank you!
In ZSoft Uninstaller, what does the three asterisks (***) after a program mean?
First a little background information:
All the uninstall-information (presented to you in the 'Installed Programs' tab) is located in your computers registry (a 'local database' where some of your computer settings are saved). In this database data can be put into 'folders' (called 'keys') and data can be saved into files (called 'entries').
In the uninstall-part of the registry each program has its own key. Inside each key it saves some information. Normally there is an entry called 'DisplayName', and the value of this entry ('content of this file') is displayed as the programs name. If this entry does not exist, the name of the key is used instead -- with three asterisks added.
In ZSoft Uninstaller, what does the red x or red cross to the left of a program name mean?
The red x marks a 'dead link'.
When something is marked "dead" it means that ZSoft Uninstaller *thinks* that the uninstall-string for the app does not work... it doesn't necessarily have anything to do with the program being installed or not, just that it probably will not uninstall...
I have a question that are not answered here, what do I do?
Ask it in the forum, or mail me.
I'll answer you as soon as possible, and it might even be added here.